Agile Methods

THE (?) Agile Process
Never before has the world been in such a constant state of change as we experience today. It has become impossible to conceive a project in its entirely on day one and then to pursue it to a conclusion with no changes en route. In contrast to a Waterfall Planning Process the Agile Process produces a solution which enables maximum flexibility because all members of the team are involved in continuously monitoring their goals and reacting to each and every change, reflecting on the result as they are achieved and continually seeking performance improvements. No aspect of the project is allowed to be set in stone, all aspects are under continuous review and subject to necessary amendments.

About Design & Flexibility
The beauty in design is to define reality as it has to be. To pursue this design philosophy demands maximum creativity, endurance and courage and the ability to continue thinking design without sacrificing flexibility, right through to final implementation of the project. This philosophy demands that the design process commences by defining the high level design, which is then subsequently broken down into implementable components permitting all participants to pursue one vision and ultimately to unite into one result.

The Role of Design in Agile Environments
Gathering ideas, information and concepts together into one final product establishes the starting point for design in the ideation phase. But this is not where it ends because the product designer remains continuously involved in all aspects of development, communicating and checking at each and every step of the whole from the early concept to the final design QA.