Welcome to the

Trend- UX- &

Marketing Agency

Cares about your users needs –

so your products can do the rest!

Our Offering


User Research & Testing

Your products are all about the people using them.

With a wide variety of industry standardized methods we’re getting the most out of their experience.

Whether by using state of the art heuristics, doing qualitative user interviews or conducting high class, KPI driven A/B testings


User Experience Design

UX design is all about the flow and so much more nowadays. 

With the world growing smaller yet more divers, it’s crucial for us to create accessible designs, enabling everyone.

Our end-to-end solutions reach from fast paper prototypes, analysis of your user’s journeys or creating high fidelity prototypes for your testing efforts.



User Interface Design

With all the cogs set into place there’s nothing more important than clear communication.

Versitile in all major visual design software, we’re proficient in creating single purpose designs or develop vast design systems.

Our designs are well documented and therefore easy to use for both – designers & software engineers alike.



Design Transformation

Design is change and change  comes from within.

Providing unique insights from a vast number of industries, our design thinking methods are capable to enable your employees to become more creative, engaged, out-of-the-box thinkers. 

Every journey has a start. This might be yours.


The end-to-end design process

Step 01: Talk

Starting off any design process is primarily a matter of communication, discussion and defining the goals we want to reach with our project.

I will help you in listening in closely and asking the right questions to make it easier for you to concentrate on your core business.

Step 02: Analysis

Now that the requirements are shared and the KPIs are set the research begins. Analysing the current state of your project helps everyone to understand what to expect, and when.

Step 03: Concept

Are we talking about a website, a native App or a custom product? Is it software, print or a piece of hardware? While „Analysis“ helped us to understand the challenge a bit better, the concept-phase brings us closer to finding a solution. Or better: Solutions.

With a quick, creative approach we are making sure to fail hard and often, to find all the pit falls on the way ahead, long before we reach them.

Step 04: Iterate

After our first wireframes and concepts it is time to find our final approach. This is where the finalfinalfinalfinalfirstdraft.psd is originating from.

While nothing we do is actually in a final state, we’re now close enough to our prodcut to test it against real users. Doing so helps us to iron out the last kinks, before we finally go into production.

Step 05: Finalize

Ready for Go-Live? We sure are! But you know what they say about the last 20% being the most demanding? Well, they are right.

In our last phase we make sure that everything we learned to far is well documented and our deliverables have the highest possible standards. This way we always have a broad base for everything that still lies ahead of us, during the next iteration of your design!